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#458 Saving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program restart
Author: user megalol
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: FontsGUI
State: closed Help

Additional info (extended explanation) see in #453.
Implemented. Please try the latest nightly build.
State: new→upgraded
Thanks! Seems to work fine.
Btw can you make individual behavior for each file? Because it saves last selected Source font for all .swf files that is not good.
And also it will be good if it works only for selected DefineFont* only.
In addition for my last post: yes it works (for selected font family) but sometimes there are .swf files with 2 or more DefineFonts with same font and it will be good to save different settings for each. In addition for post above my last post (about individual behavior): but in some cases current behavior also may be useful so if possible please make it configurable in settings.
Downloadsasha_endings.swf (1,167 KiB)
If it too difficult - leave it as is :). Or if you do this, create in adv. options: save font settings individual for each file/global/disable.
1: So you have multiple swf files with Dosis font tag, and you want to chose diffrent system fonts for the Dosis font tag? E.g in 1.swf Dosis should be Arial, in 2.swf Dosis should be Times New Roman? 2: And for example sometimes an swf file contains 2 Dosis font tags, and you want to select diffrent system fonts? I don't understand why are there 2 diffrent Dosis fonts in 1 swf. And both fonts are non-bold, and non-italic, so they should be the same... But ok, now the swffontname=systemfontname pairs are stored (e.g Dosis=Corber), i'll modify to store the swfnaem_fontid_swffontname=sytemfontname pairs Is it enough to store the swf file name (sasha_endings), or do you need to have diffrent font when your swf file is in a diffrent folder in your machine?
1. Yes 2. 1st is bold another is regular. I think "it is enough to store the swf file name (sasha_endings)".
... 2. Yes. (regular=normal)
In the preview i can see that the 1st is bold, but in the parameters panel it shows that it is not bold. Maybe it is worng in the swf.
Please take a look at screenshots:
Downloaddosis82.jpg (23 KiB)Downloaddosis41.jpg (20 KiB)
Maybe parameters panel possible bug (incorrect font info) is related to #389 (FFDec can't see font families)?
No, it is not an FFDec bug. It is a "bug" in your swf (sasha_endings.swf) If you have Sothink SWF decompiler, you can try with it, too. Is shows that "Is Bold=no" for both fonts.
Yes, you are right but I also was right. They are from one family Dosis but from different subfamily. 41 - Dosis Regular, 82 - Dosis ExtraLight. So FFDec can't see subfamily fonts as I said in #389.
Download41.jpg (110 KiB)Download82.jpg (107 KiB)
Btw is it possible to make editable font parameters bold and italic and if yes I will make a feature issue?
Yes, it is possible. please create a new feature request.
Now you can see the font display name, and font copyrights in ffdec, too. But they are only strings, not informations about the font style (bold, italic). They can be anything, so i don't think that it is a good idea to parse the font style from this name text.
"individual behavior for each file": implemented
Thanks, seems it works fine!
State: upgraded→closed