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List of issues#389 Importing from subFonts (choose from one of family Font)
Author: megalol
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: JPEXS
Labels: Fonts
State: closed
Look at the screenshot and u will understand what I want.
fam_font.jpg (120 KiB)
Hmm, image attach doesn't opens for me - here is another link
These are bold/italic/normal categories, aren't them?
FFDec adds new characters from font with same category as original font.
Yes bold/italic/normal/narrow/wide/thin but I want to be able to choose categories
in latest nightly build you can select font face in addition to Family name
which is what you wanted I guess.
State: opened→upgraded
Thanks a lot. Thats exactly what I wanted!
State: upgraded→closed