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#1831 texts dont display when selected, every text in every font in SFW
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Fonts
State: closed Help

text dont work i tried new sfw fonts and they didn't worked aswell i dont know how did this happened i just opened the ffdec and wasn't showing any text before this happened i didn't changed any setting everything was fine.
Could you provide sample swf file?
its not a single swf file, its every swf font, i tried every font even other swf files
I tried version 15.1.1 on my sample SWF file (as2.swf), and the text is displayed okay - in the texts/DefineText(42) and also in the frame(52). If you open attached as2.swf and navigate to texts/DefineText(42) or to the frame(52), do you see the text? Because I do. If you see the text, then problem is in your SWF files, which you are unwilling to attach. My OS is Windows 11. Also I am not quite sure I understand your problem, could you attach a screenshot?
this is how my jpexs is, its version 15.1.1, i was making some mods for my game and this happened suddenly
also here it is the file
You can try to reset FFDec settings. 1) Close FFDec 2) Go to c:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Roaming\JPEXS\FFDec\ and delete file named "config.bin". 3) Start FFDec again (If you are on Windows) What is your operating system? For Linux/Mac, the config.bin path is usual path for that OS (I don't remember precisely, but its somewhere in user directory and contains "ffdec" in the name).
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