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#1367 How do I change an RGBA fill colour to just RGB? Images not showing, can't save file.

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
I'm editing Skyrim swf files to recolour map marker icons. The problem I have found is
that many of the shapes do not display in the top level shapes screen -
http://imgur.com/0UaR7OH - although they are there when you double click into
them. The issue appears to stem from them having gradient fill styles with RGBA colours
rather than Solid fill with just RGB. If I convert all the fill styles to Solid I can
then paste in the RGB codes and they stay as RGB. Shapes which I can convert all fills
this way then save and show in the main shapes display, and I can resave the swf. However
I have come across several which already have Solid fill styles with colours which are
RGBA, and there is no way I can see to change RGBA to RGB. I this means the icons won't
display. If I try removing the fill style and adding one back in with the same fill style
number as before I can then not save anything or re-edit the shape.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Take a look in the attached swf. Open it and click on the top level shapes field to show
all shapes. You'll see several blank shapes. Double click on one and it will open in the
edit window. The first twenty or so that do show are the ones I have already edited to
change the fill type. There are several, for example 67 and 73, which I cannot
successfully edit because they contain solid fill styles or solid line styles with an RGBA
colour which I cannot change to RGB. Examples:
Shape 67 - http://imgur.com/vTASRXR (this one isn't in the file I've attached as I
swapped it out)
Shape 73 - http://imgur.com/TRYM3a7
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
Latest nightly build 1640, although it's the same on the latest stable build too. Windows
7 x64
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
I hope you can help because this is doing my head in!

Please try the latest nightly build.
RGBA is correct for shape 3 and shape 4 tags. The problem was that FFDec created RGB
objects instead of RGBA which prevented it from saving (there was a class cast exception)
Color was also visible when the fill style was anything. It should be visible only when
Solid fill is selected (otherwise it is not used, not even saved to the file)
State: new→upgraded
OK, so the gradient fill was the issue, not the RGB/RGBA?
I don't know. RGBA was an issue, so now it is better.
Please try it, maybe there are other problems. I don't know exactly what to do, and what
to you want to see/modify.
Fixed a 2nd issue about the focal gradients. So if you use them, please try the latest
Is it working now?
Not really. It does now show one or two parts of a few of the missing images -
http://imgur.com/nMU7Zuf - so it's a small improvement! For now I have raw edited
or recreated all of the missing ones so I have them all fixed for now -
http://imgur.com/VnbO6Ot - however that was a lengthy 12 hour work round! If
there is anything else that can be tweaked to resolve the issue that would be great but
don't worry if not. At least I now know what I need to do!
One separate question though - is there any way of scaling down to fit existing bounds
when Replacing shapes? These same map markers are used in other files, but one in
particular has them set much smaller. Obviously if I Replace & Update Bounds then I break
that scaling, and if I just Replace then I only get a clipped section of the icon within
the original bounds. This is what I mean:
New coloured icon (at minimum zoom) in mapmarkerart.swf -
Same icon to be replaced (at minimum zoom) in map.swf - http://imgur.com/ZgvKmES
What happens if I just Replace - http://imgur.com/8tqFJgZ
So how can I get that bigger icon to scale down to the desired size on Replace? I am
exportign/importing as .svg
So your 1st problem was that the shapes was not correctly rendered in the folder view
page. (And in the preview when you used the internal viewer), sorry, it was not clear for
Now it is fixed, please try it.
About repace: When you replace the shape with a png, it is resized. It was different for
SVG, so I think it was a bug, too. Now when you replace a shape with an SVG, it resizes
the image. (I hope it won't cause any trouble to other users)
So please try to import an image with the "Replace" function.
But I don't understand why do you manually edit the shapes in raw editing.
Why is it needed? Why not just import the new ones?
Could you please exmplain me what do you want to achive exactly from the beginning?
If you attach the original swf (because the one you attached was already modifed, you
"fixed" something - but I think you should not fix anything manually, it should be fixed
in FFDec)
and attach the new images, and specify what to change then I'll try to make it easier or
fix the problems in FFDec.
It resizes the svg but elements are misaligned and there's 'bleeding' (?)
Images all now display without any issue, so that's fixed! You're fast :D
Whats this? Please specify how to reproduce the problem.
OK, so now when I 'Replace' the svg imports and resizes, but elements are not correctly
aligned and there are lines 'leaking' out to the side on most of them. I'm uploading my
loose files for you. But for example, this is the icon in mapmarkerart.swf -
http://imgur.com/spj3l2c I right click on that and export as svg at 100%, then
right click on the corresponding shape in map.swf and 'Replace' with the svg I just
exported, and this is what I get - http://imgur.com/yntykRj If you want to try it
that particular svg is named Nordic Ruin

Please try the latest nightly again.
Next time please write the following in the bug report:
- open map.swf
- select shapes/defineshape 19
- right click on it, select "Replace"
- open the Nordic Ruin.svg file
- check the preview with external viewer: "elements are not correctly aligned and there
are lines 'leaking'"
And attach the referenced files only.
- I don't care the other images
- I don't know what is "corresponding shape", In first SWF (which is not needed anyway)
the shapeid is 47, in 2nd SWF it is 19... so please specify the ID only
- Exporting SVG step is unnecessary for reproducing the problem, it is enough to attach
the svg OR attach the 1st SWF and write to the steps to export the image, but in this case
do not attach the SVG:)
- So please make it simple and clear, thanks:)
This would make easier for us to fix the problem.
OK, apologies for not being more concise in reporting the secondary issue.
To address your earlier questions - "I don't understand why do you manually edit the
shapes in raw editing.
Why is it needed? Why not just import the new ones?" - I assumed that the issue with them
initially not showing was an issue with the shapes, not a bug with your software, and the
only way I could get them to show was to Raw Edit by changing the gradient fills to solid
fills and setting the colours manually. They would then show fine. I also assumed that
the issue with misalignment and bleeding was again an issue with 3rd party editing
software and not a bug with the import/replace function in JPEXS. I assumed this to be
the case because of the following process:
1. In JPEXS export any shape as .svg
2. Open exported .svg in Inkscape
3. Make any small change and save svg
4. In JPEXS right click the shape and 'Replace' with edited svg
5. Same issues with misalignment and bleeding present as described before.
So I therefore assumed, before asking for help here, that the only way I could 'fix' or
edit the shapes without breaking something in JPEXS was to Raw Edit them.
Anyway, with nightly 1645 the svg import issue with alignment/bleeding is fixed. Thank
I think this leaves me with one remaining issue which looks to be something to do with
offsets when you Replace the shapes. Look at the compass at the top of this screenshot -
http://imgur.com/1TKLCjo The black and white icon positioned on the compass bar
is one of the original unedited shapes and is correct, all the others are the edited
coloured icons which are now showing below the compass bar. These are the ones which have
been changed using the 'Replace' function in JPEXS. It appears that when you Replace
(without updating bounds) JPEXS does not retain the correct offsets. To demonstrate this
do the following:
1. In JPEXS open attached original hudmenu.swf and select Shape #132
2. Note Bounds information in lower left of screen - http://imgur.com/F9HcY7Q
3. Right click on Shape #132 and select Replace
4. Select City.svg from earlier upload
5. Observe Bounds information has changed, with offsets removed -
For information, if I Raw Edit the bounds to match those present before shape replaced
this happens - http://imgur.com/TlEneFp - only the top left quadrant of the shape
remains visible, so I can't seem to fix offsets in this way.

This should be fixed, please try the latest nightly.
Man, you are on fire :D It has fixed the issue in JPEXS, I just need to redo the file and
test in game later. I will report back shortly.
Actually, I may have spoken too soon. The bounds all look right, but as you can see I'm
only getting the top left quadrant showing on many of the replaced shapes -
http://imgur.com/zLCJqIY Actually, looking at that screenshot it's more like the
top left 75%?
I should point out that the part shapes issue above is on the ones where they should be
being reduced to fit the bounds. The ones which are not being scaled down at all seem to
be OK
To replicate do the following:
1. Open map.swf (attached)
2. Right click on Shape #7
3. 'Replace' with City.swf from earlier upload
4. Click on top level shapes entry to display all shapes
5. Observe Shape #7 only showing part of icon now

The alignment issue on the compass in game is now fixed - thanks :D
Ok, sorry.. you are right, the bounds calculation was wrong when the imported image has a
different size.
Please try the latest nightly again:)
Yep, all fixed. Thank you so much for all your attention today. I have sent you some
pizza and beer to say thank you :D
Thanks. I close this issue now. Please create new issue if you find any new problem.
State: upgraded→closed