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#132 Rename identifiers renames strings
Author: user focus
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Not sure this should happen: public function 7!6(param1:String) : String { var _loc3_:* = true; var _loc4_:* = false; if(param1.indexOf("1-")==0) { switch(param1.substring(2)) { case "1": param1="1"; break; case "2": param1="2"; break; case "3": param1="3"; break; case "4": param1="1"; break; case "5": param1="2"; break; case "6": param1="3"; break; case "7": param1="4"; break; case "8": param1="5"; break; case "9": param1="6"; break; } } return param1; } became public function syziqyt(param1:String) : String { var _loc3_:* = true; var _loc4_:* = false; if(param1.indexOf("vygi")==0) { switch(param1.substring(2)) { case "1": param1="1"; break; case "tyrifo": param1="tyrifo"; break; case "hazyrodu": param1="hazyrodu"; break; case "kuzihuz": param1="1"; break; case "tidopef": param1="tyrifo"; break; case "wijim": param1="hazyrodu"; break; case "gumic": param1="kuzihuz"; break; case "tyru": param1="tidopef"; break; case "9": param1="wijim"; break; } } return param1; }
hmm, looks like my TODO list is totally full at least for a year, thanks to you! :-D ... anyway, thanks for reporting the bugs, most of them I would not find myself. And those features are also interesting.
Haha, glad to help! I like the concept of FFDec and really glad to help with it's improvement!
Could you please attach sample SWF with this? I need something to test it on. Thank you.
State: new→opened
Hey, sure. It happens in class 5!9.
Downloadfile.swf (732 KiB)
version 1.6.4 was released this should be fixed, try it
State: opened→upgraded
yep, it's cool now, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed