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#949 Replace alpha channel of JPEG images from the commandline

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: CommandlineImages
State: closed 

This is somewhat related to #936 which has since been resolved: There is a gui button to
replace alpha channels in JPEG3 images; would it be possible for a commandline option to
be added so this could be done from a batch script as well?
With regards
Implented in the latest nightly build. See command line help, it is similar to replace
command, but supports only JPEG3 and JPEG4 images
State: new→upgraded
I'm sorry, nightly is not released yet, please wait 5 minutes. (Nightly 699 or later)
Thank you once more - much appreciated. It is really becoming the most versatile CLI flash
editor I have used so far.
I interpret this as it is working. So I close this issue now, please create new
bug/feature request if you find any problem.
State: upgraded→closed