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#920 Export instance name to SVG use element

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: SVG
State: closed 

My SWF file has a number of named symbol instances (PlaceObject2 with name attribute). We
would like to export each frame of the SWF separately to SVG but preserve this name data.
The SVG output contains one Use element per PlaceObject2. I would expect the name to be
added to this element in some way such as the id attribute, e.g. <use id="name1"
xlink:href="sprite1" />. This is required so that we can still identify certain elements
in the SVG programatically. I browsed the code on Github and found where addUse is being
called but couldn't determine if it is possible to get the name out. Would this be a quick

Please try the latest nightly build
State: new→upgraded
hi honfika, I've tested on the nightly build and it works as expected. Very impressed,
thank you for the quick turnaround
State: upgraded→closed