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#859 This Programm Breaks Swfs on Winodows 8 and Higher!
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Type: bug
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This can break you swf if you edit something mostly on as2 and as1 swfs.(Older versions of JPEXS does it not) Why i get on big as files this on taskmanager shows harddriver 100% if he try loading big as files and JPEXS freezes for some minutes then i become this /* * Decompilation error * Code may be obfuscated * Tip: You can try enabling "Automatic deobfuscation" in Settings * Error type: NullPointerException (null) */ and with Automatic deobfuscation (mostly problems on AS2 swfs) /* * Decompilation error * Code may be obfuscated * Deobfuscation is activated but decompilation still failed. If the file is NOT obfuscated, disable "Automatic deobfuscation" for better results. * Error type: NullPointerException (null) */
Sample SWF please
and specify what does "something" mean in your sentence "if you edit something"
Also please try to change the deobfuscation method. Old style <=> new style, and specify which mode is not working.
like edit a picture or as files or shape if i save it the swf not working anymore
Btw: I don't think this is Windows version specific problem. Did you test it on Vista and/or Win7? You should not write "on Winodows 8" to the title when it is irrelevant. Let us know when it really works on old Windows.
I think is my Harddrive not the Windows version sorry for the Wrong Title he shows every time 100% if he try load big as files
Or give a Option to Split big as files? if he fails on decompilation or auto deobfuscation?
Please attach your file (or upload it to soemwhere if you can't attach it), big swf should not be a problem. How big is it? And as JPEXS said please specify what does "something" mean in your sentence
739 kbs is the swf big "something" like you edit a picture or sound or shape or sprite or text then save it then work my swf no more.
Sorry, we cannot help you. We tried, but I am afraid our decompiler targets other kinds of users. You can try other decompilers, see links section. They surely have better support than us. Thanks.
State: new→invalid