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#858 Allowto edit header properties

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: Header
State: closed 

See the attached files.
This is my issue, I'll implement is later. If somebody needs it, too then comment here.
Then I'll give a higher priority to this issue:)
Assigned: →

Yes, that could be useful. One time I needed to change (just for some tests - anyway
result was not so good as I expected :D) "Display rect." and can't do it with FFDec. So I
converted with other program to xml (at that moment FFDec didn't supported this) and
changed this parameter. But for me it has the lowest priority comparing with my other
issues :).
State: new→closed
State: closed→opened
test message
Implemented, It will be included in next nightly (>= 465)
This is my issue, so I close it now.
State: opened→closed
I think the SWF version should be UI8 editbox,
not dropdown list for future compatibility,
we don't know how far the version could go.
State: closed→returned
Ok, but it is not just a new magic number in the code, it is using the same constant,
which was already exist in the code for searching the swf in memory. (SWFSearch.java line
And the combo box is filled dynamically from 1 to this limit. So if you want to eliminate
this limit, and allow version numbers up to 255, it should be modified in SWFSearch too
for the consistency
Fixed. I've also changeg the width of the framerate and version editor, because the long
white box was ugly:)
And added the ",", "=>" and twips labels to the displayrect editor between the textboxes
State: returned→upgraded
May I close this?
Looks good, but you have "should be modified with saveas" on the screenshot for
compression type.
We do not have saveas combobox for compression. I think it could be editable here...
Ok, now you can edit the compression here.
You can select and save invalid combintaions, too. but a warning message is displayed,
which can be:
- GFX supports only uncompressed or Zlib compressed content.
- Zlib compression needs SWF version 6 or greater.
- LZMA compression needs SWF version 13 or greater.
Is there any other invalid combination?
Is it ok now?
I close this now, you can reopen it:)
State: upgraded→closed