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#845 Import exported AS1/2 (DefineButton2&DefineSprite) button

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: AS1/2
State: closed 

From which format do you mean?
From P-Code it is ok, but from AS it can be only "experimental", since the direct AS
editing is experimental, too.
ActionScript format (.as file extension)
I don't care about "experimental" since editing AS1/2 works fine for me :)
Assigned: →

Implemneted in the latest nightly build, please try it
State: new→upgraded
Thanks, it works! But didn't tested single file export/import (anyway I dont's use it just
for issue test) because I can't access Adv. Settings again :). Please fix it.
Fixed. It is not wokring with single file export, because then it isn't possible to know
which lines belongs to which sprite.
Thanks again. I want to test it for a few days or week so please don't close it yet.
Did you find any problem?
Btw: I added a unit test for advanced settings, so I hope it wont return again.
I think that yes. If frame consist 2 DoAction then it imports only first one...
Please try the latest nighhtly build.
Thanks, problem was solved.
So may i close this issue?
I think that yes.
State: upgraded→closed