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#83 Transparent image broken after save modified swf file

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Tags
State: closed 

After change in AS code, save the file. The image that has transparent property broken.
I havent noticed this issue for me. All transparency images still have transparency when I
have changed the code. Maybe there is an issue on your side?
What kind of image tags are these?
Please navigate to "images" node of the left tree and tell me names of tags which
transparency is broken. It should be one of
Or do you mean "_alpha" property?
Please be more specific.
I have successfully reproduced the bug. Will be fixed in next release.
State: new→opened
version 1.5.1u1 was released.
Try it, it should work.
State: opened→upgraded
Is it working for you, hungpq ?
Yeah.work great! Thanks
State: upgraded→closed