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#805 Editor mode for Define*Texts

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

With this mode activated when you opens some Define*Text, Edit button will be
autoactivated (pressed automatically).
Good idea... Maybe we should change the deafult behaviours of the text areas everywhere
(AS, Pcode, text)
So we can have only 2 buttons, no edit button, only Save and Revert/Rollback/Cancel...
The Save and Revert button will be disabled when you open a text/script.
The textarea is editable always.
When you edit something, they will be enabled, when you click on one of them, it will save
or revert the changes, and disable the buttons again... but the textarea remains ediable,
so if you change the text again it activates the buttons again.
JPEXS: What do you think about it?
Maybe autosave switch in settings (if enabled, edited script or text will be auto saved
after selecting other script or text or something else) will be also useful because
actually it annoying to press any buttons using mouse :D.
Editor mode setting added. (AdvancedSettigns/Ui/Editor mode)
Thanks, but in this mode I doesn't see top panel (with align, undo and translatex
buttons). So now I should press Cancel to see it. Is it normal or can be fixed?
For example it's very uncomfort to work with translatex buttons in this mode. Btw I've
asked earlier to make top panel static to avoid this :).
Now the top panel is visible until you modify the text. Please test it with enabled and
disabled "editor mode" setting, too.
JPEXS: please test "editor mode" you, too. (as2.swf) When you enable it (in advanced
settigns/ui/editor mode), and select a text tag, the save/cancel buttons will be visible
instead of the edit button. Save and edit button are disabled until the text is not
May I set this mode as default?
Thanks, now is much better.
Autosave setting: advancedsettings/interface/autosave tag modifications
State: new→upgraded
Thanks, seems to work fine.
Hm, now I gets some weird bug with "Autosave setting". With it after editing a few
DefineTexts in any swf file it hangs(freezes completely) FFDec. With it feature turned off
there are no such a bug. I've tryed to reset settings but with no luck.

fixed, please try the latest nightly bulild
Thanks, now seems to work fine!
State: upgraded→closed