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#803 Align text (left, right, center) in Define*Text

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: ExternalLinkText
State: closed 

Is it possible to implement such feature like in MS Word https://support.content.office.net/en-US/media/cb6205b4-5aed-4dfb-bb23-ad91041b1c43.jpg
It is already possible with DefineEditTexts
Thanks, but actually I needs it in DefineTexts
So you want to align the text in the bounding box?
This feature and the "automatically increase the bounding box" feature are mutually
exclusive. You can use only one of them.
Bounding box may be useful but I've thought about align point to fix text align after text
Here is a text example:
x 500
y 340
]She was by herself when you [
x 180
y 740
]passed in her in that empty alley. [
x 240
y 1140
]Her body caught your eye but it [
x 180
y 1520
]was her tears that made you feel [
x 260
y 1920
]for her. When you saw them you [
x 300
y 2300
]decided then and there to take [
x 1840
y 2700
]care of her.
Is it possible to auto (re)align such a text after translation?
I draw some pictures how I think it could be (by setting x location of align point).

Please try the latest (stable) version. Is this what you wanted?
State: new→upgraded
Many thanks. From first look it works very good but I want to test it for some time. But I
have one suggestion. To avoid text cut off after text align now I should press Edit and
Save so is it possible that this action was done automaticaly after aligning? Btw changes
(new aligned text) shows only with internal flash player, with external there are no
changes shown (but text aling works).
I've fixed the external viewer problem. Could you pelase attach an example where you have
text cut off problem? Normally the aligned text should be fit in the same bounds as before
(Fixed in latest nightly build)
Thanks, now much better!
I think that align buttons is too close (near) to Edit button and there is a chance to
miss since there no way to cancel text align...
Yes, or they should be moved to a top toolbar (above the text area).. But I'm not very
good in designing GUIs. (And not very familiar with Swing, too)
I think that just adding some more free space after Edit button will be good enough. Maybe
jpexs has some suggestons?
"since there no way to cancel text align"
With the latest nightly build you can undo the change... There is an undo button
(curretly) next to the align buttons, but there is also an undo context menu item in the
tag tree.
This functionality undoes only the tag data (not only the align), so if you added a new
character to the used font tag, it will show wrong text. (You should undo the referenced
font tag, too) This is normal.
JPEXS will improve the UI soon
It seems to work fine. Will wait for improved UI.
Check nightly 392 or later. I added few icons for XML import/export and also moved align
icons to top panel on text editation panel.
Thanks, it looks fine.
Maybe next question should be adressed to honfika and asked later in other issue (then
close this and please answer there). When I press Edit button, new panel with align
buttons dissapears. In issue #805 I asked about editor mode so maybe you should make it
static (no dissapear) to support this mode?