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#800 Unexpected deleted carrier return in DefineEditText

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Text
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Some DefineEditText include 2 line of letters. I would like to translate them and add new
If I just edit DefineEditText and Save it (there is no changes), then, carrier return is
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
xmin -40
ymin -40
xmax 2446
ymax 959
multiline 1
readonly 1
noselect 1
wasstatic 1
useoutlines 1
font 28
height 320
color #ffffffff
align left
leftmargin 0
rightmargin 0
indent 0
leading 40
]Time Spent
Best Time
Consider this two last lines ! ("Time Spent" and "Best Time")
"Best Time", is glued with "Time Spent" when I save this DefineEditText.
I think another solution :
xmin -40
ymin -40
xmax 2446
ymax 959
multiline 1
readonly 1
noselect 1
wasstatic 1
useoutlines 1
font 28
height 320
color #ffffffff
align left
leftmargin 0
rightmargin 0
indent 0
leading 40
]Time Spent[
x 200
y 200
font 28
]Best Time
When I save this P-code, then, JPEXS automatically modify the code as below :
xmin -40
ymin -40
xmax 2446
ymax 959
multiline 1
readonly 1
noselect 1
wasstatic 1
useoutlines 1
font 28
height 320
color #ffffffff
align left
leftmargin 0
rightmargin 0
indent 0
leading 40
]Time SpentBest Time
Have you got an idea ?
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Nighty Build 382.
> Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with
if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
Try to open DefineEditText(725) and just save it.

First problem is fixed in the latest nightly build.
Good !
Another problem is appeared in your hotfix :
In the same file, same DefineEditText, the physical height of the text is more higher.
Also, there is a large space between two lines.
Could you please explain me how can i reproduce it? Because I can't see any diffrences.
I tried to edit and save DefineEditText725
See attached file.
In the first file, you can see original version.
In the second file, I have clicked open and save buttons (no modification).
In the third file, I have modified value of ymax.
For this three files, observe preview window. You can see differences.
fixed in the latest nightly build
I don't understand this problem:
...leading 40 ]Time Spent[ x 200 y 200 font 28 ]Best Time => ..leading 40 ]Time SpentBest
DefineEditText doesn't support x and y parameters. You should get an error message.
For DefineText/2 it works.
So is everything ok now?
State: new→upgraded
I think all is OK.
State: upgraded→closed