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#799 Who is the Danish translator ?

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
My name is Laurent Louvet (as Gamuti). I have translated your soft into french.
The problem is : in "about of" dialog box, my name appears as the danish translator.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
See attached file.
My name appears as french translator : yes ! it's true !
Who is the danish translator ?
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
All version of nighty build.

It shows always the createor of the currently active language:) So your you it shows your
name, but if you select english language, it shows JPEXS, if you select hungarian, it
shows me:)
Currenly there is no danish tranlsation, only a stub. Probably JPEXS knows something about
the translator.
I fixed the problem, now it shows "-".
State: new→upgraded
Danish translator contacted me via email. He has problems registering in the issue tracker
for some reason and also wanted to test the texts himself first so I added the language
stub for him... It is a long story... Probably he stops the translations either, so the
stub will be deleted again...
Sorry for marking you as the translator, maybe I copied the properties file from french
forgetting about the author name...
Good !
Danish translation stub removed (as we discussed it with JPEXS), so I close this issue.
State: upgraded→closed