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#772 JPEXs Crashes
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: developer honfika
Labels: GUI
State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? > What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? > Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
ugh it pressed to upload when i dident press it. 1st prob: At site login with issues, with classic password will redirect to 404 page. 2nd prob with jpexs: JPEXs crashes when opening a SWF file and pressing the 'X' from Loading SWF... I'm using nightly build 4.0.5 364.
what does "crashes" means? Is there any stacktrace in the console? I tried it, and for me FFDec closes without any error.
Thats what i'm telling you... -.- It's not supposed to close if you wan't to make it better, 1st. It could remove that swf from loading, and let JPEXs still open. 2nd. No need in making it close, if you had another project on you would lose it (happened to me... hate this thingy).
(And if you don't mind, Isssue #418 can be closed)
Why should I close #418? It is not fixed, and not your bugreport. (I tried it now, and there are still problems for exanple in secure_as3simple.swf) Maybe you wrote a wrong issue number. About this issue: please try the latest nightly buld
State: new→upgraded
Thanks, doesn't close now, but doesn't cancel the SWF from loading...
Is it a problem?
yes (in a meaning we dont want it to load, but still loads, making person 'rage', if u understand me)
Oh also, i think you didnt check this yet: Issue #775
I saw that issue, but it is waiting for JPEXS. I'm not working on decompilation/direct editation issues. (Only when it is very very easy) Next time please do not write commects to a diffrent issue. We receive email notification from every new comments. (From the issue #775, too)
I'll implement the cancellation of the loading feature.
State: upgraded→returned
Assigned:developer honfika
Loading cancellation implemented,pleasetry the latest nightly build. So this issue is done, #755 will be fixed there.
State: returned→upgraded
I mean #775, sorry.
It was implemented more than 1 month ago, I close this issue due to inactivity. Issue #418 and #775 remains open.
State: upgraded→closed