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#768 super calls not being correctly recognized
Author: user Kodak
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? edit as3 directly containing > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? super gets replaced with §super§ > What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 4.0.5 on windows > Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE BTW: your www changelog stayed in 2014 while we have 2015 already :) (wrong release date)
Ad BTW: The release date for last version is correct, it is 1st December 2014, not 12 January 2015 :-). It is english date format. We have not released any oficial version since december, only nightly builds.
ups, sorry :)
any plans for fixing it / new release? it is a kind of a blocker
If you attach a simple example i can try to fix it.
look for net/wg/gui/messenger/controls/MemberItemRendererUI do an edit there and in setData you have a call on super
fixed in the latest nightly build. please try it JPEXS: please take a look at my changeseet when you have time: 9d3c0e
State: new→upgraded
is this nightly 32 or 64b? i am now having problem with running it; i am on 64b
Do you mean the processor architecture? It depends on your java runtime only.
"i am now having problem with running it" is not correct definition of your problem. We cannot help you without you telling us what exactly the problem is. Imagine yourself going to a doctor and telling him: "Doc, I am ill." That is usually not enough for him to give you some pills, maybe some placebo :-).
:) "Could not create java vm"; it was working just before replacing the files
Then please try to replace them back (download the stable version)
VM restored, nightly working fine now and I can confirm the bug to be fixed, thank you
State: upgraded→closed