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#759 AS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missing

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: AS3Direct Editation
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Download attached file;
2. Go to scripts;
3. scripts/item/ItemManager.as;
4. Well, press AS3 direct edit and press save, it will redirect you there:
it uses a strange symbol AS3Vector idk wathever, that's not what it was before in other
versions wich worked correctly.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
A strange symbol with this '§' next to it and ends again with the symbol, other versions
didn't use it and worked correctly, now just freezes and crashes
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Newest one (4.0.5)
> Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with
if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
Before, there was no such thing as that symbol in that location.
But now, It just decompiles wrongly, keeps giving error at AS3 Direct edit and doesnt
allow me to save due that (so i would like disable errors in options); Before, there was
no such symbol in older versions, and things worked correctly.
This is the problem that leads to the Issue #663
(Yes, it is back.)
Hope admins fix this,

Thank you so much!
This 'issue' is closed, but theres a new problem:
The files wich had that symbol before NOW lost every color of ALL leters and things,
can you do something about it?
Simply looks desorganizated with black text. . .
Please change the "Syntax highlight max chars" setting in AdvancedSettings/Limits tabpage
Thanks it worked! (But can you try to make 102400 compatible with my script file? Thanks.)
New problem:
At _loc83_:ItemBrickPackage.
I added a new code after it (setting same var again, but...)
Supposed to be:
var _loc83_:ItemBrickPackage = new ItemBrickPackage("Xmas 2014","Xmas 2014 Blocks");
Appears as:
_loc83_ = new ItemBrickPackage("Xmas 2014","Xmas 2014 Blocks");
What do you mean about "102400 compatible"? Your decompiled script is larger than 102400
characters, so it is over the highlight limit, so it will be shonw as a plain text, it is
not a bug.
I can increase the default value of this limit, because now it is much faster than
earlier. (Earlier we had problems with displaying large texts in jsyntaxpane. We still
have problem, but now about 10 times bigger text can be displayed with the same
performance. So I'll increase the default limit to 1MB)
Your new problem is not releated to this issue. It is an AS3 direct editation problem if i
understood you correctly.(The variable declaration is missing, right?)
@honfika, yup, variable declaration missing, as soon as it's class connection right next
to it (:ItemBrickPackage).
Thanks for fixing this symbol problem, thanks for changing def. max character limit, but
please fix this AS3 Direction problem
Ok, but I don't know how it is working, maybe JPEXS will fix it.
Title: Decompilation § symbol supposed to be string but gets in class name→AS3 direct editation: variable declaration is missing
State: upgraded→new
I will surely take a look, but later. I am sorry, but I am kind of busy right now
preparing for Christmas and not really in the mood for programming, sorry. Hope you
understand. Thanks.
^ It's okay, but your present for everyone could be fix this bug in the new year :p
Setting the same var again will not redefine it.
This code:
var a:ItemBrickPackage = new ItemBrickPackage(...1);
var a:ItemBrickPackage = new ItemBrickPackage(...2);
compiles as:
var a:ItemBrickPackage = new ItemBrickPackage(...);
a = new ItemBrickPackage(...);
In AS3 there is no special instruction for variable declaration,
so the decompiler decompiles the first assignment as var a:type and the second as normal
assignment with no type.
I can implement error message when you define one variable twice with var keyword, but I
don't think it is neccessary.
Can I close this issue?
Yeah, sure.
State: new→closed