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#747 Move tag to adds extra frame
Author: user focus
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: developer honfika
Labels: Tags
State: closed Help

Take any swf with image (DefineBitsLossless), let say 1.swf and any other swf with 1 frame, 2.swf. Apply "Move tag to" to DefineBitsLossless and move it from 1.swf to 2.swf. Save 2.swf as 2_.swf. Close FFDec, open 2_.swf and you'll see 2 frames in it. > What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? FFDec 4.0.5 Please, let me know if you need any additional information to reproduce it.
Please attach sample swfs if it is not a problem for you. Probably I can reproduce the bug with this description, but i'm much more motivated if you attach sample swfs and maybe video as in #746. It is easier to replroduce it, i dont have to find sample swfs:)
Attached video and files!
Download1.swf (4 KiB)Download2.swf (47 KiB)Download3.swf (50 KiB)DownloadUntitled.mp4 (7,566 KiB)
Fixed in the latest nightly build (>=345)
State: new→upgraded
Assigned:developer honfika
Move tag functionality can damage your swf. 2.swf alreaady contains a tag with characterid=1 (DefineFont3: FlodProBold) When you move the image tag from 1.swf which has characterid=1, too, then your 2nd fill will contain two tags with chracterid=1 You should edit the characterid with raw editing. This is not a bug.
fill = file
Thanks, all fine now!
State: upgraded→closed