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#717 Completely replace swf caught by Proxy

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Tools
State: closed 

Would be nice to have ability to completely replace any swf in cache via Proxy tool.
It is already possible, you have to find the saved swf somewhere in AppData, and replace
Do you mean FFDec has own folder somewhere in AppData to store that files?
Otherwise (depending on browser) it may be pain in the neck to find correct file and
replace it.
Would be great to have special button for this purpose or some kind of remap feature - to
be able to set path to the replacing swf (remote or local).
Yes, FFDec stores the files in AppData/Roaming/JPEXS/FFDec/replacements
or something similar.
It is stored with some hash and ini file with URLs.
I think special button for replacement will be handy.
Thanks, will look for this folder then. Button still wanted though =)
Can't test it - looks like Proxy broken for me now. Can't see any new swf files in it (was
able to see old from prevous session, but no new files appear there).
For example: https://www.adobe.com/swf/software/flash/about/flashAbout_info_small.swf
I open it in latest Firefox. Proxy started, Sniff SWF checked, but nothing get captured.
I use nightly 328 version.
have you tried clearing browser cache?
Yes, I did cleaned it few times. I have another strange observation. After I closed
firefox, I launched FFDec again and when I opened Proxy I see now those swf files in list!
And Clear button doesn't work - nothing happens after I click it (I still see those swf
files in list).
Actually none of buttons work there =\
I restarted FFDec again - nothing in list.
Just tried it with IE - same issue - nothing shows in Proxy as I load page with swfs.
If I press Clear now - I see columns headers change their names to A, B and C.
Looks like some errors happening under the hood.
Please try nightly 329 or later. The problem with Clear button, etc. should be fixed.
For the example you posted: It is HTTPS address. SSL encrypted content cannot be catched
in current version of FFDec.
There already exists an issue for it, but it is not easy task. Certificates for each
server must be generated automatically and some certificate import to browser is needed...
Not so simple. You know... that's why HTTPS is secure.
Yey, works great now, thanks.
Yep, sorry for https example, bot the best one %)
Now it works with other swfs I need.
State: upgraded→closed
Adding the SWF file here so the issue tracker does not depend on external site.