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#715 Force Save help

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Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: AS3
State: closed 

Need to make an edit to an .swf. When I save it warns me that there is an error in the
code, even though I know it's correct. Is there any way to bypass the errors and allow me
to edit the actionscript file?
The actionscript is not stored as a text in the SWF file, so it is not possible to force
the saving.
FFDec should compile it, if there is a compilation error (where the bug is in the
compiler), it can't save your script.
State: new→upgraded
When I go to save, I get "Error: Not a type on line" but the type is }. I also get "Error:
Namespace not defined" which on that line is "mx_internal var"
Then it is bug in our ActionScript compiler.
Please send us the SWF file. We will investigate and try to fix it.
If you do not want to publish the file, then tell us, I will make this issue private.
Try version 4.0.4, it could be better.
State: returned→upgraded
I close this issue due to inactivity. Please create issue if you find any problem.
State: upgraded→closed