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#713 Installer for 4.0 fails to access Adobe Website

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: Installation
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Try to install version 4.0
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Installer fails to access Adobe Website
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
4.0, Win 8.1 x64
> Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with
if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
In which step? Does it show "Flash Player AxtiveX needed" page? Do you have
"FlashPlayer.SWC" section checked?
Assigned: →

I mean "PlayerGlobal.swcŁ
Also please check your firewall/antivirus settings to allow connecting to the internet. Or
do you have internet connection disabled?
I made an exception in Widows FireWall but it did not help,
The error message says:
'PlayerGlobal.SWC not found on Adobe webpages. Click OK to abort installation.'
The 'PlayerGlobal.swc' is checked by default.
This is the log:
Output folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec
Extract: ffdec.exe
Extract: ffdec.bat
Extract: ffdec.jar
Extract: license.txt
Output folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec
Output folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\lib
Extract: JavactiveX.jar
Extract: LZMA.jar
Extract: avi.jar
Extract: avi.montemedia.license.txt
Extract: ffdec_lib.jar
Extract: ffdec_lib.license.txt
Extract: flamingo-6.2.jar
Extract: flamingo.license.txt
Extract: gif.jar
Extract: gif.license.txt
Extract: gnujpdf.jar
Extract: jargs.jar
Extract: jl.license.txt
Extract: jl1.0.1.jar
Extract: jna-3.5.1.jar
Extract: jna.license.txt
Extract: jpacker.jar
Extract: jpacker.license.txt
Extract: jpproxy.jar
Extract: jpproxy.muffin.license.txt
Extract: jsyntaxpane-0.9.5.jar
Extract: jsyntaxpane.license.txt
Extract: nellymoser.jar
Extract: nellymoser.license.txt
Extract: sfntly.jar
Extract: sfntly.license.txt
Extract: substance-6.2.jar
Extract: substance-flamingo-6.2.jar
Extract: substance-flamingo.license.txt
Extract: substance.license.txt
Extract: tablelayout.jar
Extract: trident-6.2.jar
Extract: trident.license.txt
Extract: ttf.doubletype.license.txt
Extract: ttf.fontastic.license.txt
Extract: ttf.jar
Output folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec
Create folder: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\JPEXS Free Flash
Create shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\JPEXS Free Flash
Decompiler\Uninstall JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler.lnk
Create shortcut: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\JPEXS Free Flash
Decompiler\JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler.lnk
Created uninstaller: C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\Uninstall.exe
Detecting JRE Version
Comparing version 1.7 to 1.8 results in 2
JRE Version detection complete - result = C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_20
Detecting Flash ActiveX
Flash ActiveX already installed
Checking Adobe site for newest PlayerGlobal.swc file
I ran the Setup again with 'PlayerGlobal.swc' unchecked and it completed successfully.
What is the purpose of PlayerGlobal.swc?
It is written there where you hover your mouse over the section.
It is FlashPlayer library used for things like ActionScript direct editation.
Does the Setup show any error message?
Or it just hangs?
I have the same problem at work behind a proxy server.
And FFDec.exe needs about 20 seconds to start here. (19 seconds with 0% CPU usage) But
this is not a new problem, I tried 1.8.0, and it is the same.
JPEXS FFDec v. 4.0.0 Setup
PlayerGlobal.SWC was not found on Adobe webpages. Click OK to abort installation
Yes, the error message says:
'PlayerGlobal.SWC not found on Adobe webpages. Click OK to abort installation.'
But clicking OK does nothing!
In version 4.0.1 the downloading can be skipped (button "Ignore")
If I download (playerglobal15_0.swc) yourself, upload it to the library (..FFDec/lib)?
Nothing changed (name)?
The application will ask for it and tell you name of the file and correct location where
to put it if needed.
Just open AS3 SWF file and press Edit button under ActionScript code.
Thank You
State: new→upgraded
Same issue here. No specific firewall/proxy active.
JPEXS FFDec v. 4.0.5_nightly340 Setup
PlayerGlobal.SWC was not found on Adobe webpages. You can download it later manually.
would you mind changing line 761 in installer.nsi into
MessageBox MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_ICONSTOP "PlayerGlobal.SWC was not found on Adobe
webpages. You can download it later manually. (Error returned was: $0)" /SD IDIGNORE
IDRETRY checkadobe IDIGNORE exit
This way we would get some more meaningful feedback from the installer to report to you.
Still there in 4.1.1 on Win7.
I've added the error message from Peter.
Peter, loki: Please try it, and put here the error message. unfortunetley I can't
reproduce the problem in my local machine. I can reproduce it only behind a proxy server.
The error message is only in this nughtly build (do not use older or newer):
This should be fixed in the latest nighty build. I close this issue, because duplicate
issue exists: #807 (+ issue is inactive since 1,5 month ago)
Please write your comment in that issue if you still have problem with downloading the
playerglobal.swc file
State: upgraded→closed