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#69 RawABC tag for AS3

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Tags
State: closed 

May be you already have heard of it, but there exists another tag that can contain AS3
bytecode - RawABC tag (72). I accidently discovered this fact and that Ffdec doesn't take
care of it (and many other tools as well). There is actually not much info about it in the
Internet, but as I understood so far it is just slightly different DoABC.
Please find in attachment an example - as3crypto (http://crypto.hurlant.com/docs/),
obfuscated in such a manner that all DoABCs were replaced into RawABCs.

State: new→opened
version 1.5.0 was released.
DoABC tag was renamed to DoABCDefine,
and new DoABC tag (72) was introduced.
Now it can decompile both tags.
Tell me when if it's ok so I can close the issue.
State: opened→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed