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#685 Feature "Local variables and method parameters take name from debug" becomes a problem with some sources

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: Deobfuscation
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Some obfuscators set all variable and method names as "k" in the debug feedback, so when
you decompile them you will see the following:
var k:ByteArray = null;
var k:ByteArray = null;
var k:ByteArray = null;
k = new Array();
And you can't know which k is initialized.
Here is a photo of the problem:
A solution could be disabling the "feature" "Local variables and method parameters take
name from debug" and rename the local vars as loc_1, loc_2, loc_0, etc
In latest nightly build, this feature is skipped when more variables have same name.
Also you can disable this feature globally in the settings (script tab).
State: opened→upgraded
I close this issuse due to inactivity. Please create issue if you find any problem.
State: upgraded→closed