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#677 Exporting Sprites, Higher Resolution

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Zoom
State: closed 

Hi, I left a little note on the guestbook a few weeks back. When you export a sprite and
its frames to say, png, it works great, except the resulting images are kinda low-res.
It'd be awesome if there was some way to specify a higher quality output.
"We could add zoom level selection on select export format dialog." Yeah, JPEXS,
something like that, as long as it doesn't cut anything off. I mean, you can scale the
sprite in the preview window no problem, it just turns all pixelated when you export it no
matter what, which is a bummer. Thanks for the consideration!
you can set zoom level in the export dialog in the latest nightly build.
Try it.
State: opened→upgraded
It was released as stable 4.0.1 version, you can try it.
I am closing this.
State: upgraded→closed