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#67 Rename identifiers to something more meaningful; Skipping rename occasionally

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: DeobfuscationRename identifiers
State: closed 

From guestbook by D:
Hi, first at all I do want to say thx for the great and very useful tools. I have
suggestions that
may be useful to other users: when we call "Rename identifiers" rename class, methods, and
vars on
something more meaningful, e.g.: class for class_2, methods for methods_2, var for
Agreed, nice suggestion!
And I'd like to add option for total renaming - to force renaming for all classes,
packages, methods, etc. this would help in cases where renaming algorithm skips obfuscated
names occasionally.
for files like the attached one for example (rename ident. doesn't rename variables called
with reserved names and vars with leading space for some reason)

I will fix this SWF issue, but please do not add new issues inside other issues, I can't
properly set issue state, thank you.
Title: Rename identifiers to something more meaningful→Rename identifiers to something more meaningful; Skipping rename occasionally
Yeah, I see, thanks.
State: new→opened
version 1.6.4 was released
renaming by type was introduced,
issue with as2simple_secure.swf was fixed
State: opened→upgraded
Yay, it works!! Thanks!
State: upgraded→closed