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#650 replace binaryData from command line

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: CommandlineTags
State: closed 

Trying to develop an add-on for Word Realms (commercial game, developers have OKed user
add-ons), but the 50 MB SWF does not finish loading after ten minutes on the netbook I'm
Command-line export works fine and reasonably fast. It'd be really nice to just be able
to replace a single targeted binaryData somehow.
More importantly, that would make automated installation of the add-on possible so that
potential add-on users don't have to manually use the ffdec GUI to hack the game
Command line parameter added:
ffdec.bat -replaceBinaryData in.swf out.swf 33 newbinary.dat
where 33 is the characterid of the binary data tag you want to replace
I don't think that we can help you to create automated installation fot Word Realms addon,
you should ask it in a diffrent forum...
You can try it in the nighty build /www.free-decompiler.com/flash/nightly.html
The parameters could be changed in the next stable build to more generic (replace other
tags), but the functionality will be in that version, too.
Thanks honfika, it works very quickly this way even on my decrepit netbook!
Re: automated install, I didn't mean to ask for help with the installation process beyond
this change to ffdec :) I meant that now that I can make the needed changes from the
command line, I can write an installation script, which will be much more welcoming to the
non-hack-it-yourself type folks. Super!
State: upgraded→closed
Just small additional info: In newer versions/nightly builds, the parameter will be
changed to "-replace" instead of "-replaceBinaryData". So be prepared to update your
scripts :-).