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List of issues#641 Updated from old version to 2.1.2 and can't decompile file
Author: misiek
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: honfika
Labels: AS1/2
State: closed
I just update ffdec to newest version. I use zipped one, not installed. This one was
decompiled without any problems on previous versions. I don't know what version exactly,
because I didn't save it before update. I have 1.4.3 here and it works with that file.
I got "decompile error" or some bad characters in code. In previous version it was all
tfd.swf (36 KiB)
The file is obfuscated.
FFDec can deobfuscate some of types of files.
In version 1.x, automatic deobfuscation was on by default.
In 2.x version, you must enable it first.
Please try menu Settins->Automatic deobfuscation
Let us know if it's better.
Assigned: → JPEXS
Without automatic deobfuscation I get decompile error. After enabling it I get source code
errors, many charactes out of range (just squares, and in source they are variables or
numbers) and in many places I see problems with decompilation. It wasn't happening before.
please try the latest nightly build (with enabled deobfuscation)
Small problems with encoding, but source code is now much more readable and I can rewrite
it and make it working.
2014-08-22_2225.png (3 KiB)
It is not an encoding problem, the variable name is the 0x01 and 0x0f character...
I'll remove the unused varibles later. See issue #572
I close this one, please create new issue if you find new problems.
State: upgraded→closed