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#624 Actionscript search restrictions

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: GUI
State: closed 

Hello,this decompiler is awesome.
I am decompiling a flash game named Knightmare Tower,it has some binary data that contains
other swfs,but when I search the actionscript,it only does the search on the script
section of the main swf,it does not search in the script section of those swf files (that
ffdec finds in binary data).
Fixed in the latest nightly build. You should navigate to the inner swf then (when you can
see "SWF Data" in ffdec titlebar) you can use the search tool. FFDec only finds in the
selected (which is visible in the titlebar) swf.
State: new→upgraded
I'm going to close this issue due to inactivity. Feel free to create new issue if you find
any new problem.
State: upgraded→closed