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#593 AS3 Return object newline problem

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: AS3
State: closed 

Please take a look at the attached file.
Class: com.gaiaframework.core.GaiaImpl
Method: getSitePosition();
It decompiles to:
public function getSitePosition() : Object {
and it refuses to compile back with these errors:
GaiaImpl.as(70): col: 19 Error: Label must be a simple identifier.
GaiaImpl.as(71): col: 19 Error: Label must be a simple identifier.
Regarding to
it should decompile to this:
public function getSitePosition():Object
return {x:SiteView.instance.x, y:SiteView.instance.y};
and it compiles fine.

It should work in latest nightly. Try it.
State: opened→upgraded
Fine now, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed