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#583 Conversion of FlashPaper SWF to PDF and/or ODT (libreoffice) documenr

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Type: feature
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Labels: PDF
State: closed 

It will be great to be able to convert a FlashPaper SWF to PDF and/or ODT (LibreOffice)
As we discussed via email,
In latest nightly build, FlashPaper to PDF conversion is available via commandline.
Here is part of your last email:
I've tried to run your nightly build but it take very long time (ok, not very a problem)
and crash after 56 pages with a OOME (OutOfMemoryError).
I've increased the memory allocated to the process but for large document (ex 128 pages)
it stop with OOME also.
For iText, it exist a LGPL fork available here: https://github.com/ymasory/iText-4.2.0 (cool,
no ?)
An alternative will be also to export document to ODT (LibreOffice Writer).
Actually, only the test with a Zoom factor 5 is working for small documents (52 pages).
But it's again a nightly build, so an alpha version and it will surely be optimized.
Assigned: →

The problem with memory is because I convert all pages to images first
and then write it to PDF. Maybe I could write them continually...
The iText... I still have an anypathy for it because what they did to the license.
I like the gnujpdf library, because it uses Graphics2d to generate PDF, which is very
intuitive for me.
The only problem is lack of Font embedding / Utf-8 support. I took a look in the PDF
documentation and also seen PHP class TCPDF which and maybe I can implement the font
embedding somehow into gnujpdf.
And for ODT format... I guess there exist some Java libraries for it.
Does ODT support font embedding?
Memory problem: Please try latest nightly build. It should be better for large documents.
Ough ! Storing all images in memory will clearly result in a OOME ...
I agree with you, it's best to write them continually.
Again I agree with you about iText. But the link I give you is a fork, so, no more link to
the developper of iText.
Yes, LibreOffice support font embedding since ODT specification 1.0 (see:
It exist very many API in java for ODT generation.
- http://jodreports.sourceforge.net/ (LGPL) (See also JODConvert !)
- http://www.jopendocument.org/ (GPL)
- http://incubator.apache.org/odftoolkit/odfdom/index.html (Apache licensed)
Do you think it's possible to not put only a picture of the page, but well the objects
like text, pictures, ... ?
So, the resulting PDF or ODT will be full text searchable.
Oups, not seen your message from yesterday. I will try it now.
I speak about ODT specification, but it's ODF specification, not ODT.
And since specification 1.0 of ODF you can embed fonts in document.
Very sorry but the same problem occur. OutOfMemoryError :-(
Did you already look at ODF (or DOC or RTF) conversion from FlashPaper in place of PDF ?
It's a lot work to do, I will take a look later.
And currently, I am leaving for 14 day vacation, so you have to wait, sorry.
No problem ! If it's ok for you, I can implement it.
But just to avoid browsing all the code, in which class did you create an image from the
swf elements ?
My work will be to create a ODF (or RTF) document containing all the elements of a page
and not only a picture of the page.
This way the document remain searchable and indexable.
Is it ok for you ?
You didn't answer to my question, I suppose you're overbooked.
Can I help ? I really need this fonctionnality (export to searchable pdf or LibreOffice
BitmapExporter class creates the image from a SHAPE object.
how to convert swf to pdf? Any bat command?
Is text in pdf copyable? steve8000818@gmail.com
In nightly 1815, export to PDF with selectable text was implemented.
I updated the gnujpdf library to support font embedding and utf-8.
State: new→upgraded
Hi Jindra, It's a long time (2014) !
I'm very amazed because yesterday I was needed to read some old documents which have not
been converted to PDFnyet, so, naturally, I come back to your wonderfull application and
what will be my surprise to read here that you pushed an upgrade for flashpaper export,
just some months ago !!!
So, first: Thank you !
Unfortunately, I've downloaded the last stable version (14.4.0) and used the command line
The OOME remain except if I reserve 4096 Mb of memory and with aa zoom of 8.
The export still contain picture of the pages only.
How do you use the new export ? Still in command line or do you add an entry in a menu (or
popup menu ?)
State: upgraded→returned
Hi Fonzy,
please try nightly 2357 or later.
The export should now have really selectable text.
State: returned→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed