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#563 Import DefineTexts (formatted [and plain if possible]) from exported .txt files

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Type: feature
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Labels: Text
State: closed 

And I want to be able to import whole exported folder at once (with one or few more mouse
clicks). I don't know how it will be work, for example read names and content of exported
earlier files and import them to DefineTexts with same numbers such as file names...
This could be useful for .swf's translation (to other languages).
Import from single file, too (#564)
implemented in the lastest nightly build. You need to select the export folder (not the
"texts" folder)
State: opened→upgraded
Thanks, seems to work fine. But it will be useful if something goes wrong while importing
to be able to cancel (or ignore next errors) the process (without using windows task
manager to kill FFDec :D) because I'm don't want to press OK button hundreds of times if
forgot for example to import russian characters in DefineFont* before importing russian
Ok, so I'll replace the error message dialod to a "Abort, Ignore" dialog. Abort will stop
the whole process, Ignore ignores the current error, ok?
Yes, it will be good.
Implemented in the latest nightly build.
Hm, I don't see any "Abort, Ignore" dialog. And also I doesn't see most of errors
(non-existing characters) that was in prev. nightly. To reproduce try to import attached
file in lwt.swf.

I've tested ffdec_2.0.1u2_788607952328 nigthly and have 2 questions about it. Can u merge
2 error windows (1st describing an error and second that offers to Cancel or Continue the
importing) into one? And why after import canceling I can't do it again (it has no effect
and errors)?
No, i can't merge the 2 windows easily, it would need a lot of modification. The 1st
window is from the missing character handler, the 2nd is in the importer method. Later if
you need it i can try to merge them.
You can't do it again after cancellig? why? Is there any error message?
Ok, if it's difficult to merge leave it as is.
As I said I don't have any errors after cancelling and importing again...
It just have no effect like there were no errors at importing.
"And why after import canceling I can't do it again (it has no effect and errors)?"
Is this problem still exist?
No, seems that problem was fixed. But I have a possible strange bug. If I'm editing
exported file with Notepad++ there are no errors at importing but if editing (same words,
tested this behavior many times) with Windows Notepad I've always 1 error at text
Please could you attach the 2 "same" import files (from notepad and from notepad++)?
And the swf, too. (If it is a new one)
Swf is "lwt_exp.swf". And here are exported text files. Compare them for example in
Totalcmd and will see differences. "textsformatted_notepad.txt" is the same file as
"textsformatted_notepad++.txt" but resaved in Windows Notepad. It seems that after text
exporting FFDec adds some special non-printable symbols that Windows Notepad can't

Windows Notepad adds Utf-8 byte order mark (BOM), which are three bytes at the beginning
of the file. Please use an editor which does not insert these.
OK, thanks.
Latest nightly should be able to load both files. Please try it.
Can i close this issue?
Great! Yes, close it.
State: upgraded→closed