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#552 TimeoutException, max recursion level reached

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: AS3FlashCCObfuscated
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Open the file attached
2. Try to export the scripts
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
No errors? :D
Instead I see "printGraph max recursion level reached" and timeouts
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
ffdec 2.0.0 build 9606b702b5c3 (march 25th)
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)
> Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with
if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE

p.s. I have parallel speedup and use caching on disk unchecked.
This issue is duplicate of #482
Yes, you are right, #482 is private, sorry.
Is there any progress on the issue?
Is there ANY information on this issue? What is the cause of this error? Can it be
resolved? Any plans regarding this? Or does #482 also have no comments about this?
Recursion limit is used to prevent infinite decompilation. This limit is not a constant
value, it depends on the method, so the limit should not be reached (in huge methods, too)
when everything is ok. We are currently not working on this problem.
Stay tuned, we will surely take a look on your problem. You have uploaded the SWF file so
we have something to start from.
In #482 user asked to make issue private so he can upload the SWF file, but
he has not uploaded anything (yet) so we couldn't fix it.
Assigned: →

I have investingated the SWF file and results are these:
1) There are two problematic methods which result in timeout:
We will investigate it futher and maybe we can figure out something.
2) There are also many problematic classes inside "cmodule" package, but that is obvious,
as these are scripts produced by compiling C code (FlasCC, also called Alchemy).
We won't update decompiler in any way to support these classes as the code of these
scripts cannot be always expressed in ActionScript 3 code. (The source code is C, not AS)
Thanks for the update.
I apologize - I should of mentioned before that I never extract the cmodule anyways, so
it's ok if its ignored.
What is the difference between this issue and your issue #534?
Well that one was for the timeouts and this was for the printGraph error, but since you're
already taking a look at the timeouts in this i think that one can be closed?
Title: printGraph max recursion level reached→TimeoutException, max recursion level reached
Please try latest nightly build.
ddt.manager.SocketManager.__socketData should be ok with this.
The DragManager is still not ok, I will fix soon...
State: new→opened
Great, everything exports without errors except that DragManager obviously.
Try latest nightly build.
The second issue should be fixed too.
State: opened→upgraded
Perfect! Thank you so much JPEXS! :)
p.s. I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature, but when I select everything except cmodule
and try to export then the closer it gets to finish the slower it gets. Starting from 2.2k
it gets really slow like 1 class per 2 seconds. Maybe its because i switch back and forth
during export and check up on progress once in a while (the gui almost stops responding
even though cpu is at 12% only). Anyways, I'll test a bit more and if I find cause then
I'll create new issue.
Ok. Hopefully it's something with my computer not ffdec. Created #553
If I export like 1/3 and then restart ffdec and export next part then thats the only way i
am able to actually finish exporting fully.
Problem is with my own system probably (as I explained in the comment on #553). So
nevermind about what I said above.
Thank you!
I am closing this. If you find other bug, create new issue.
State: upgraded→closed