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#547 stll Chinese text display error

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Unicode
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
When I try to translate the Definetext(7378) from "RANDOMISE" to "随机"(the Chinese
translation of this word), the result isn't what I expected.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected Output:随机
Result: 果
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
nightly build 6ab392f5ff25
Win 8.1 Pro 64
> Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with
if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
Here's the snapshot of the Results.
It's my first time to report an issue...sooo nervous....:(

Please could you attach your original swf file, too?
For some weird reaon, I cannot upload this swf.
Here's the download link:
This swf is not the original one. I can see your chinese letters in it. And i can see both
So please could you tell me how to reproduce it from the begining? And please attach the
ORIGINAL swf file.
here's the orginal one.
Open Definetext section and change the english characters to Chinese characters.
Can't reproduce. I did the following steps:
- start ffdec
- open 1066.swf
- find & select fonts/DefineFont3 (735)
- Add characters: 随机
- Source font: Zfull-GB
- press OK
- find & select DefineText (7378)
- Press Edit button on the bottom of the right panel
- Replace RANDOMISE to 随机
- Press save button on the right panel
- Press "save as" button in the ribbon toolbar Files section
- Save as 2.swf
- Open 2.swf in internet explorer.
- Press SKIP
- Select single player
- Select place story mode
- Press Continue
- Press SKIP
Check the result in the screenshot, it seems to be ok.
I've attached the modified swf, too.
Please write here your steps to, every steps please, not only "open DefineText and change
it"... This is how you should report a bug.

Thanks for helping. When I reproduce this issue with another swf and another font files,
is seems to be ok.
Maybe it's my computer's problem. Sorry to bother you. /.\
Hi there,
I found the crux of this issue.
When I select English as the main language of my labtop, all things seem to be ok.
When it comes Chinese, all things change. :(
I don't know why....
Hi there,
I found the crux of this issue.
When I select English as the main language of my labtop, all things seem to be ok.
When it comes Chinese, all things change. :(
I don't know why....
MAYBE it's my computer's problem. Sorry to bother you.
Maybe it depends on locales of your operating system. We can't test it much as we don't
have Chinese OS.
So solution for you could be using English translation if you don't mind...
Sorry, I am closing this one.
State: new→closed