JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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#542 Temporary variable is not declared in generated code
Author: user ether
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: ignored Help

_loc3_ in the example bellow is never declared in the generated code: _loc3_ = offerVO.type; if(-99999999 !== _loc3_) { if(0 !== _loc3_) { if(4 !== _loc3_) { if(5 !== _loc3_) { if(1 !== _loc3_) { if(55 !== _loc3_) { if(2 === _loc3_) { To avoid compilation error, it should be: var _loc3_:* = offerVO.type; Also, if it can be type safe by checking the context, could be nice. var _loc3_:int = offerVO.type;
Yes, that may be true, but we need the SWF file to check why it is not declared.
Closed due to inactivity. Please create new issue and attach the SWF file if the problem persists.
State: new→ignored