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#539 for each loops does not generates "var" declaration
Author: user ether
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: admin JPEXS
Labels: AS3
State: closed Help

Here is two example of faulty generated for and foreach loops. public static function getKeys(param1:Dictionary) : Array { var _loc2_:Array = []; var _loc5_:* = 0; var _loc4_:* = param1; for (_loc3_ in param1) { _loc2_.push(_loc3_); } return _loc2_; } public static function getValues(param1:Dictionary) : Array { var _loc2_:Array = []; var _loc5_:* = 0; var _loc4_:* = param1; for each (_loc3_ in param1) { _loc2_.push(_loc3_); } return _loc2_; } Instead of _loc5_ and _loc4_, which are useless and not used, "var" should precede _loc3_ in order to get compilation right.
Instead of: _loc16_ = 0; _loc15_ = list; for each (_loc6_ in list) Should be: for each (var _loc6_:* in list)
State: new→opened
Assigned:admin JPEXS
This should be fixed in 4.0.1
State: opened→upgraded
I close this issue due to inactivity. Please create issue if you find any problem.
State: upgraded→closed