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#531 Still Chinese font adding problem
Author: user rendu2mai
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: developer honfika
Labels: Fonts
State: closed Help

When I try to add more than 200 characters into the font(named "system") of the attached swf, the middle window just showed the first several of them ( not became black,as before 1.8.1u1). However when I save it, the swf didn't show any font any more.
precisely it's 283 characters.
FontPanel shows only the first 400 characters, otherwise the preview becomes slow (And the characters will be very small). I've addded about 300 characters to your system font, and it was working. Please could you send me with which characters do you have problem?
Assigned:developer honfika
I used these characters in attached txt file with Chinese font "zfullgb" which is also attached below.
I tried to add your characters with the given font, and there was no error, the characters were added successfully. Please try it with the latest nightly build. /
So do you still have problem? Or can I close this issue?
Yes. In original version, it starts like this in 1.png I attached. And when I add the txt with font Zfull-gb which attached before into the font(ID:40, name:system) using nightly version, the starts screen become white, as 2.png
Download1.png (9 KiB)Download2.png (5 KiB)
Then please could you attach your original file?
Ok, i found it on the internet.
Assigned:developer honfika
Fixed in the latest nightly build. Please try it
State: new→upgraded
WOW! You are brilliant! It works!
Will it happen again in other swfs?
I hope not.. but when you find another problem, you can create a new issue. Can i close this one?
Ok, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed