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#53 first ternary operator expression is always true
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State: closed Help

Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible to implement the possibility to view the Multiname constant pool entry index of any field or method in a class. Also, since non-understanded character are displayed as empty chars, is possible to replace these with something else? An hexadecimal rappresentation, for example. Thank you for your work.
Hi, a) It is possible. Maybe I add an icon button to switch display multiname indices in decompiled code. b) what do you mean by "non-understanded character"? Which ActionScript type? AS1/2 or AS3? You mean some unicode characters? Please be more specific.
I have a SWF with unknown characters, so they are replaced with squares. I think they aren't standard unicode and actually sothink when decompiling replece them with numbers (_57321653). So, is there any way to print the hex rappresentation instead of the actual string? I can't give you anything at the moment. I'll post an example as soon as possible.
Decompiling a ternary operator always gives true as first operation. Ex. code: getlocal_1 getlex m[8]"int" istypelate iffalse ofs003f getlocal_0 getlocal_1 getlex m[8]"int" astypelate callproperty m[717]"-.getVisualIndex" 1 convert_i jump ofs0041 ofs003f:pushbyte 0 ofs0041:convert_i setlocal 4 the decompiled code is: _loc4_=param1 is int?true:0; instead of: _loc_4 = param1 is int ? (this.getVisualIndex(param1 as int)) : (0);
Title: Class Fields relative multiname index and unknow character.→first ternary operator expression is always true
Please use new issue tracker here: issues.html And create new issue there. Google code issue tracker won't be used anymore. Thank you.
State: new→opened
version 1.5.0 was released. You can view trait name multiname index in the detail view. Methodinfo index is also displayed. To the "non-understanded character": I can't do much without seeing example SWF.
To tell you the truth I'm surprised too as the Flex compiler strips unicode characters before adding to the constant pool...
I am pausing the issue. If you post an example of the unicode issue, it can be opened again.
State: opened→postponed
Ok, I'm sorry for the delay. Actually I've seen better my swf. Basically the creator replaced the strings of the constant pool for the fields name to something like: "\x05\x00\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\x01\x04\x04\x03\x05". So if I open the file I'll see blank spaces. My question is: can you enable some sort of visibility for those? An hexadecimal rappresentation, maybe.
State: postponed→new
This is an example file. Now class names are obfuscated too.
Please try the latest nightly build.
State: new→upgraded
@honfika, now with 4.0.5 it is showing a symbol like this: §"\x05\..."§. It's crashing the swf, Help!
It is normal, obfuscated identifiers has § prefix and suffix. What is the problem?
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much.
State: upgraded→closed