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#495 When embed lots characters, ffdec crashed

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: GUIPerformance
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Select a DefineFont, embed a number of characters (such as Chinese, seems limit depends on
original font row * column, like 12*12), the preview screen in the middle become dark and
no response.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Seems some swf do not have this problem, some does.
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
1.8.0u1, win 7
> Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with
if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
> "some does"
Yeah, it would be nice if we see some of these :-).
Could you attach SWF you have problem with?
We can make this issue visible to developers only if you do not want to publish it.
JPEXS: I've reproduced the problem. The flashplayer freezes. When I kill the
FlashPlayer.exe process, ffdec continues to work.
I've limited the number of the characters in the preview (because it has no sense to show
18000 characters in 500x500px), but it wont solve the problem.
rendu2mai: I suggest you to use the latest nigtly build, and turn on the internal flash
view in the settings. With this setting i was able to add 16300 chinese charactes without
any problem. (However it took about 10 seconds)
Awesome! However, it seems ffdec sometimes change the swf structure. When I added some
Chinese DefineText and added the character in DefineFont ( otherwise it won't be shown),
the SWF didn't work correctly, such as no response when clicked the modified part. If I
use other tool (export SWF into xml unit, and import back), it won't occur.
By the way, Chinese language has lots of untranslated. You may send me the language text,
and I would complete it. Gmail: rendu2mai@gmail.com
I have the same issue on some .swf's when using Embed button. DefineFont3 dissapears (in
Fonts tab) after saving&closing .swf and opening it again (in DefineText's I'm getting
"Font with id=47 was not found." after that).
To reproduce: open lwt.swf (posted in some private issue earlier), DefineFont3 (47),
select Corbel font, press Embed, choose cyrillic, save, close FFDec, open lwt.swf again.
rendu2mai: you need to download the localization pack from the following url:
It contains the englis and chinese translations, too (and all other translation, but you
can ignore them)
Please read the folloing info page:
Chinese translation is maintained in issue #355. Please subscribe to that issue and
consult new changes with current translator (rtsjx)
megalol: your issue is not the same. rendu2mai's problem is that FFDec freezes. Your issue
is fixed in the latest nightly build.
Thanks, now it works fine!
I am closing this. Create new issue if you find other problem.
State: new→closed