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#489 Hex decode very large integers

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: GUI
State: closed 

It is very common that colors are specified as integer literals in code. This is always
done using the hexadecimal literal syntax.
As such, it is very difficult to read colors in decompiled code if the values aren't
expressed in the correct base.
Please add code that identifies obvious colors and reformats their output in the code.
I got a lot of unreadable colors, too
Why not use only hex like other (well C) decompilers do?
Or even better, keep a list of special numbers:
24 => 24
16711935 => 0xFF00FF
259200 => 3*60*60*24 (yes, factorized)
Check, if the number is divisible by 24 or 60, or has the form 0xXXYYZZ...
Sometimes decimal is much more readable than hex, so it wouldn't be so good to use always
hex numbers.
This is why this task was not implemented by me.
Sometimes a small number can be a color (255 = 0x000000ff), so it is not obvious which
number should be written in hex format.
Implemented in the latest nightly build.
But first you have to enable a setting: advanced settings/script/use smart number
You can find the current algorithm in this file:
State: new→upgraded
I close this issue due to inactivity. Please create new issue if problem persists.
State: upgraded→closed