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#48 Decompile only specified class
Author: user user_34
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Sometimes it is desired to decompile only one or bunch of single file(s) instead of whole project. It would be nice to allow to pass parameter with a list of AS classes saying what to decompile to avoid decompilation of whole project when it is not needed. It would save significant amount of time and resources in huge projects.
For a huge files it takes a lot of time for initial reading - all the tags and actions are read sequentally. Perhaps it is worth to add some multithreading in such a manner that each particulair tag or action is created in its own thread.
Well I don't know about that but what I got from application logging it seems that also classes generation takes lot of time. For example I have file which is decompiled to 14 MB of source code, it is 1741 classes and I am interested in only couple of them. So creation of over 1700 files and nearly 14MB of data is waste of resources. Would be nice to allow to skip them.
Sometimes it is desired to decompile only one or bunch of single file(s) instead of whole project. It would be nice to allow to pass parameter with a list of AS classes saying what to decompile to avoid decompilation of whole project when it is not needed. It would save significant amount of time and resources in huge projects. For a huge files it takes a lot of time for initial reading - all the tags and actions are read sequentally. Perhaps it is worth to add some multithreading in such a manner that each particulair tag or action is created in its own thread. Well I don't know about that but what I got from application logging it seems that also classes generation takes lot of time. For example I have file which is decompiled to 14 MB of source code, it is 1741 classes and I am interested in only couple of them. So creation of over 1700 files and nearly 14MB of data is waste of resources. Would be nice to allow to skip them.
State: →new
Title: Decompile only specified class→Decompile only specified class
Type: →feature
Visibility: →Everybody
Hi, I have moved this issue to new Issue Tracker. You should have received email info about registering there(with specific link) and gaining access to this issue. If you have not received any email, please check your SPAM inbox or write to my email.
State: new→opened
version 1.5.0 was released. You can now use commandline option "-selectas3class" to select classes to export. Example usage: java -jar ffdec.jar -export as "C:\decompiled\" myfile.swf -selectas3class com.example.MyClass com.example.SecondClass
State: opened→closed
-selectas3class parameter was REMOVED. Please use -selectclass instead. See --help for usage.