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#471 Some texts are hardcoded, not localized

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: GUI
State: closed 

In Source ActionScript, somme comment are not translated :
* Decompilation error
* Code may be obfuscated
* Error type: TranslateException */
Must be :
* Erreur de décompilation
* Le code est probablement crypté
* Type d'erreur : Erreur de traduction
Buttons ICONIFY, RESTORE, CLOSE and MAXIMIZE are not translated !
In Open dialog Box, the Desktop button is not localized. (Must be "Bureau" in french)
Iconify => Minimiser
Restore => Rétablir
Close => Fermer
Maximize => "Agrandir" or "Maximiser (but not true french)"
You don't need to write the french translations here. When the texts will be moved to
resource file, they will be added to the "New translations" issue, then you (and other
translators) can translate them.
This issue is for collecting the non localized texts.
Missing text for translation :
In the swf tree / font / Parameters / no versus for "Font Name"
In the swf tree / font / Parameters / no versus button "Preview"
Itou for the whole sheet of Advanced Settings.
Advanced settigns dialog and decompilation error text localization done. (Setting names
and descriptions in advanced settings won't be translated)
Window minimize/maximize icons and desktop button in openfiledialog is not ready yet. I
dont know how to localize them.
Some sentence are not localized :
- deobfuscation
- toString
Both green words are printed in P-Code Source at decompilation time.
Also, remove option in context menu for object isn't localized
Sentence under Font Preview not localized :
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
It exists a french versus with all letters A to Z.

I don't think that this is a missing localization problem. You should select the
appropriate sample text. It is impossible to translate all sample text to your language.
What will you do with the Greek?
Desktop button in the file open fialog can't be localized, because it is not a label. It
is the name of the system "Desktop folder". (Similar to Windows folder, you can't rename
281 // Home Button
282 File homeDir = fsv.getHomeDirectory();
283 String toolTipText = homeFolderToolTipText;
284 if (fsv.isRoot(homeDir)) {
285 toolTipText = getFileView(fc).getName(homeDir); // Probably "Desktop".
286 }
Buttons ICONIFY, RESTORE, CLOSE and MAXIMIZE labels are translated in substance, it was
already localized in ffdec when the translation was available in substance. (it is
available for all ffdec languages except hu, pt and uk)
If you need the translation for hu, pt or uk language, please create an issue in substance
issue tracker:
However there was a small bug, when you switched the language, this texts were not
updated. I've fixed this issue.
deobfuscation and toString strings fixed, too
so everything should be done from this issue. please check the latest nightly build
(Font Name and Preview texts are already working, please check them again)
thank you
In search in memory modul, words are not localized :
- ProcessName
- FileSize
FileNoFound dialog box appears when we open a recent file was be removed on the hard
All missing resource texts were added until this point.
A dialog box about context menu is not localized. Bizarre... It's already present in a
properties file. See attachment.
This dialog box appears when I reset all parameters (in advanced settings).

OK, I understand it. The english language is putted when we do a reset.
So is it ok?
Yes it is !