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#470 Keep original Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels size after resizing from full screen to windowed and back

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

If I change FFDec window from full screen to windowed and back to full screen I gets the
same panels size for AS but for Define*Texts and DefineFonts panels they doesn't gets
original size (preview panel became very narrow).
Assigned: →

Pleases try the latest nightly build
State: new→upgraded
Thanks, now is much better but not perfect. Left column (with resource tree) still doesn't
keeps its original size if it was narrow (left border near letter "T" at word "Tools") at
State: upgraded→returned
Hmm, I've tested on n477 at first - now I've tested in n478 and it's almost perfect (there
are almost no difference after resizing left column in n478).
Hmm, could you please try nightly480 or later?
Hmmm :), in n478-9 situation was better (actually It was good enought for me) than in 480
(it's reverted back as it was in n478). Also adv. settings is broken again...
*reverted back as it was in n477
Are you sure that 479 was better? I fixd only Issue #878 between n479 and n480
Please try 479 again: /www.free-decompiler.com/flash/download/ffdec_5.1.0_nightly479.zip
However 478 was maybe better in this issue, but it contained other problem.
Hmmmm, it seems that actually nothing changed in n480 comparing to n478-9 according
https://github.com/jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler/commits/master so I think I've just found another glitch when your fix
isn't working. But it's hard to reproduce.
Maybe those glitch is somehow connected with another glitch when left column (with
resource tree panel) becomes more narrow at open .swf in FFDec than it was when I close
that .swf.
Heh, more testing more glithes. Here is another one (in the end of the video I can't make
left panel wider). If neends I've create separate issue but I thinks that it's some how
connected with this.

Advanced settings is fixed, what is the first glitch? Could you please create a video for
all problems?
*I can't make left panel wider but only after I switch at some other resource (DefineText,
DefineScript, etc)
I can't see the problem in your video:(
You want to make it larget, ant can't when DefineBitsis selected?
It doesn't shows mouse cursor at the end (before scrolling up). At 8-11 second I'm trying
to make left panel wider but I can not do this (it doesn't becomes wider). It's very
strange bug and appears only when this panel is very narrow.
.and it seems to happen only when selected some image.
...Yes, I want to make it larger.
Please try nightly 483.
Thanks that glitch was fixed. I hope that you will also not forget about mention above
glitch ("...another glitch when left column (with resource tree panel) becomes more narrow
at open .swf in FFDec than it was when I close that .swf").
Ok, but what is the problem ther? Could you please create a video? For me it has the same
width every time, when i open and close the swf.
Ok, here is the video. The goal is that you should close FFDec completely not just close
.swf file...

It should be fixed, please try nightly 484 in some minutes.
Please reset your settings, because the configuration is compatible with the previous
Of course it will work when user upgrades from last stable to the next stable.
State: returned→upgraded
* NOT compatible
Thanks again. Now it looks fine! Btw I've had to delete settings folder because n484
didn't wanted to start.
Can I close this issue now?
State: upgraded→closed