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#466 Source font preview (from DefineFont* parameters panel)

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

State: closed 

With cyrillic (if fonts has its characters) support, please. Additional info see in #462.
Test texts for different languages can be taken from here:
Assigned: →

Implemented, please try the latest nightly build.
Thanks a lot. Can you make a font preview window default size wider or make it to remember
last changed size?
Yes. Implemented.
State: new→upgraded
Thanks again, works like a charm.
honfika: Please set icon for the font preview dialog with View.setWindowIcon if it is
possible with GUI designer forms. Also set some title of the window. Advanced settings
dialog also has not title. Thanks.
State: upgraded→closed
State: closed→returned
is it ok now?
State: returned→upgraded
The french pangram doesn't appears. See below the sentence :
"Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume"
I think this sentence is unnecessary, there are no new letters in it, you can use the "The
quick brown fox..." text.
State: upgraded→closed