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#465 Make editable font parameters (bold and italic) in DefineFont*
Author: user megalol
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Fonts
State: closed Help

It will be useful in some cases.
Implemented. Please try the nightly build.
State: new→upgraded
I can't get it work. No check in checkboxes after clicking.
Tryed on sasha_endings.swf
Hmm. DefineFont2, DefineFont3 and DefineCompactedFont tags should be editable always. DefineFont tag is editable only when fontInfoTag is available. Please try with the first 3 tagtypes.
Is there any exception in the log or in the ouptut when you press the edit button?
Sorry, my fault. I didn't saw Edit button but anyway doesn't seems that it works good because after I made DefineFont3(41:Dosis) italic it has no italic effect (the result looked like bold). Btw since 8857665003a9 nightly "Embed..." button doesn't work because it works now as OK button and OK button now works as "Embed...". Also please check "Update texts" button because I'm not sure if it works too.
Yes, the bold and italic settings are only metadata. So the fonts won't be changed. This is the expected behavour. I'll check the button event handlers.
Lol :(. It needed for me to change font behavior :). So how to make text bold or itallic in FFDec or what feature issue needs to create?
...and not all text but some part of it. Because I know that if I'll import characters from bold of italic font all text will became with it behavior.
It is not possible to change the existing characters. (Is it true JPEXS?) You should import them again from the bold font. So first you can change the bold and/or italic property, then you when you import, it will be imported from bold/italic fonts.
Ok, thanks. I works that way as you said.
For "It is not possible to change the existing characters": You can set font to bold and then import same characters which it contains and they will be overwritten (If you select "Yes to all" in the dialog) a Honfika said.
Then i'll close this issue, ok?
Yes, close it.
Button event handlers fixed, too.
State: upgraded→closed