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#453 refresh (edit+save action) all texts button

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Type: feature
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Labels: Text
State: closed 

For example I've edited font in .swf file by adding russian characters and changed some
texts with it. And if I changed again font for imported russian characters I need to do
following thing: go to changed text with russian characters and press edit+save, because
it needs for correct spaces between characters that was imported from new font. I can
record a video if it's hard to understand what I wanted to explain.
...or make it without button for example checkbox (on Fonts page) before importing
characters from new font.
I dont understand why do you need to edit and save all texts, but in the latest version
(1.8.0u1) there is a checkbox: "Update texts". When it is checked, then it will edit and
save all the text tags (DefineText, DefineText2, DefineEditText)
I was not able to test it, i don't know what to check. Please check it. Is it ok?
Thanks! With first look seems to work fine but don't close issue today coz I want to test
it some more. Look at this screenshot - maybe you will understand why it needed for me
http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/54566. On first screenshot I've made following actions: Imported
rus chars from Arial font, edited Definetext, imported rus chars from Corbel font without
update text checked. On second screenshot I've done the same + checked update texts.
delete "." in link or use this http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/54566
In the email notification the "." was not in the link, so i was able to open it:)
:). I've found some possible related bug maybe. After importing rus chars + editing texts
and saving to .swf and reopening saved file and editing same text (deleted some chars for
example) again I gets this result: http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/54580
Please could you explain me step by step what to do? Which font tag should be opened?
How to import russian characters, please could you copy-paste them here?
file: lwt_endings.swf
font: DefineFont3 (76:Dosis)
1)Import rus chars from Corbel (font) in Dosis. 2)Edit DefineText (87) (replace with rus
chars). 3)Save, open end_1.html in browser, click mouse 1 time. 4) Open lwt_endings.swf
again. 5) Edit DefineText (87) (edit/save or delete some chars/save). 6)Save, open
end_1.html in browser, click mouse 1 time. 7) Compare text from first browser tab with
Russian text example: Проверка текста - раз, два, три,
четыре, пять.
Corbel font download: http://www.cufonfonts.com/downloadFont/12051/corbel.zip
In my machine they are the same. Check attached images.
I already had Corbel font in my system. Is it built-in in Win7?
Yes, Corbel font is built-in in Win7.
Did you made exactly all actions as I said? You should close and open FFDec again after
saving .swf and not to reload it. If you press Reload button seems that bug doesn't
appearing - yes it's sounds odd but seems that it is real.
By the way, forgot to say that to fix it I used this workaround: import rus chars from
Cobel again with texts update.
No, i haven't closd ffdec, it was not in the steps:)
Now i reproduced. first i set the text to
then modified to
The spacing in the 2nd version is bigger. (the texts widths are ybout the same in both
which is the correct? The first or the 2nd?
:). Correct version is with smaller spacing.
And if I do the same to reproduce the bug except one thing - import cyrillic characterd
with "Embed..." button - result is even worste.
Before step 5 (Edit DefineText (87)) you have to select Dosis font, and choose Corbel font
in the dropdown. This step is requred, because when you save a text, the font (character)
width should be calculated. The selected font (Corbel) is used for the calculation. This
original font name is not saved to the swf, so if you do not choose it, then a wrong font
will be used.
You can create a feature request to save the (swffont, systemfont) pairs (Dosis, Corbel)
to a configuration file to your local machine, and then it will automatically use the
Corbel font. I think this issue is solved.
Ok, thanks for help with this. Can you tell me how to name that feature issue for
saving/loading font settings?
For example: "Saving font settings to preserve font panel selection after program
Ok, btw is it possible to make "Update texts" action covers only that Define*Texts which
uses selected DefineFont* coz if I updates all texts it causes bugs in some cases for text
with other DefineFont*?
Thanks a lot. It's working fine.
So can i close this issuse?
I think yes :).
State: upgraded→closed