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#438 Command line arguments renameInvalidIdentifiers and dumpSWF don't work anymore

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Commandline
State: closed 

Both command line arguments "-dumpSWF" and "-renameInvalidIdentifiers" don't work since
the last update (ffdec 1.7.4u1).
Instead of dumping the SWF or renaming identifiers, we get the "Error: Bad Commandline
Arguments!" message, followed by the help about the command line arguments.
I've digged into ffdec sources, and the problem comes from 'nextParam =
nextParam.toLowerCase();' at line 133 of
com.jpexs.decompiler.flash.console.CommandLineArgumentParser.java, which was added in the
last commit.
Since nextParam is lowercase, conditions 'nextParam.equals("-renameInvalidIdentifiers")'
and 'nextParam.equals("-dumpSWF")' are never met.
Thank you. Fixed. When it is urgent, I can create a nightly build now. Do you need it now?
No it's ok, it isn't urgent. Thanks for fixing it!
State: upgraded→closed