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#428 Save as .pdf

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Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: PDF
State: closed 

Hi there,
there are myriad of utilities to convert .pdf to .swf, but there are none to do the
opposite (at least for swf's containing static elements: text, vectors, images). Is there
any chance such a feature could be implemented in a future version - perhaps as a "save as
.pdf" option?
+ save as .exe :)
Save as exe feature was implemented.
Thanks but seems that output exe it is bugged. Try it with lwt.swf from my private issue
I tried it, and it seems to work. What is the problem? My generated exe file is 45580599
Yes, I have the same size but the question was not how it works but how it looks
I don't really understand your problem, please try to resize the official "Flash player"
window, you will get the same result. See attached image.
Btw, i've fixed a resizing bug, so now the flash content will be realigned (to center)
when you resize the window. Maybe I'll add a configuration setting where you can configure
which scale mode you want. Now i'm using NoScale from this list:
ScaleMode Integer value from range 0..10. Value is the same as Scale.
0 - ShowAll, 1 - NoBorder, 2 - ExtractFit, 3 - NoScale, 4- Low, 5 - AutoLow, 6 -
AutoHight, 7 - Hight, 8 - Best, 9 - AutoMedium, 10 - Medium

Adobe Flash shows correct scale (900x600) and FFDect Flash Player upscales it as you
described above. I wanted that FFDec Flash Player produce exe for the "end user" with
correct scale "from the box" without resizing manually.
Please try the latest nightly build. Now the window is resized automatically to the size
of the embedded flash movie. You can configure the scalemode in the advanced settings,
Thanks again, now it's OK.
You're welcome. If you want to send this exe file to an "end user", then maybe you need
some more settings, for example:
- configurable window title,
- configurable icon,
- allow/deny resize the player window
- show/hide border
- start in fullscreen
So the exe export can be improved in a lot of way later.
tartas: I have implemented frames to PDF export in latest nightly build.
It is just conversion to Image and then creating PDF from it.
I might implement better PDF conversion (texts, shapes), but it would be harder as gnujpdf
library does not support Unicode fonts a so does PdfBox. I don't want to use iText for
its stupid license. (It's incompatible with our GPLv3)
I am closing this. If the frames to image in PDF is not enough for you, you can create new
State: upgraded→closed