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List of issues#402 Can't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated code
Author: focus
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS3Obfuscated
State: closed
Subj happens with attached file.
as2simple_.swf (8 KiB)
Nightly build (ac7d416d6a03) released.
Please try it.
State: new→upgraded
Thanks, not freezing now! Some methods can't be decompiled though (like generateCipher()
in main class). This issue may be renamed to "Can't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9
obfuscated code".
Yes, but it is a common problem, i have a lot of sample swfs with this problem...
State: upgraded→new
Title: Flash Antidecompiler 6.9: FFDec freezing while decompiling→Can't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated code
Title: Flash Antidecompiler 6.9: FFDec freezing while decompiling→Can't decompile Flash Antidecompiler 6.9 obfuscated code
As I already said in other deobfuscation issues:
There are many issues about obfuscated code.
Deobfuscation technics used in FFDec are not the best ones. There is no perfect solution.
It takes a lot time to investigate where the problem lies and unfortunately I am no longer
in a mood for fixing this. If I change something about deobfuscation, other part stops
working, over and over again...
I am sorry, but I give this low priority :-(.
State: new→postponed
Maybe different deobfuscation options would help to solve this?
To let users choose which deobfuscation tricks to use in every particular case?
Assigned: →
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Changed the label, because despite of the filename, this is not an AS2 file, this is AS3.
I don't know anyone is still interested since flash is gone,
but this seems to be a way better in nightly 1779.
Actually, there are still some §§gotos in the code,
since I think the generateCipher method is manually obfuscated and
has these gotos inserted on purpose.
I think we cannot handle them better than this.
State: postponed→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed