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#390 Reload list of fonts to import

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Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

For now reloading swf button doesn't help when I've installed new fonts in Windows. I
should close FFDec and open again to see new installed fonts in font characters import
Implemented. I haven't test it, but if
GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames() returns
always the actual installed fonts, then it should be reloaded.
Please test it when you have time.
Doesn't work. New font appears in list only after closing and opening FFDec (pressing
reload button under "save as exe" has no effect).
Yes, it is cached somewhere in Java. Then i think that it is impossible without process
State: upgraded→new
Please try again. Now i'm added internal proprietary API (Win32FontManager), but it can be
removed in a future release of Java, so it is not guaranteed, that will work forever.
State: new→upgraded
It works but partitially. New font is shown after reloading but when I want to import font
characters it imports not from it but from some other font like Arial. After closing and
opening FFDec again it imports correct font characters from new font.
Ok, then i'll revert the last modification, because however i'm able to get the updated
font list, but java still thinks, that the new font is not available, when you try to load
And i think it is better not to show the font in the list, when it can't be used. Do you
Yes, reverting is better ("not to show the font in the list, when it can't be used") than
to leave it as now.
State: upgraded→returned
Please try the latest version again.
State: returned→upgraded
*Latest nightly version.
Now it works, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed